Egala in Esperanto means equal. This term reflects what is important to us, the founders of the association. We want to create a friendly space for all people, regardless of their origin, nationality or culture.
The Egala Association was established on 10th December 2021 in Bialystok. Egala is a term that, apart from reflecting what is important for us, also refers to our roots in Podlasie and Bialystok. Ludwik Zamenhof, the father of Esperanto, was born here. The language was supposed to unite people of different cultures and nationalities. This is how we, as members of the Association, want to create a friendly space for all people, regardless of their origin, nationality or culture. Diversity is a value for us and we want to nurture it in our actions. We want our city, region and country to create integrated communities, including all foreigners: migrants and refugees.
The goals of the Egala Association are primarily: – building a friendly, inclusive community for all people – regardless of their nationality, culture, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation or origin,- supporting migrants and refugees in the process of adaptation and integration to life in Poland,- developing the sensitivity of the host community to the situation of people with migration and refugee experience, – dissemination and protection of human rights, freedoms and civil liberties, as well as activities supporting the development of democracy, counteracting all forms of discrimination. Currently our activities are mainly related to supporting people in guarded and open centers for foreigners, as well as conducting assistance activities at the Polish-Belarusian border.